Do Likewise

Do Likewise by Kirk Hunt

So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”

And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”

Then Jesus said to him,
“Go and do likewise.”

Luke 10:36-37 NKJV
Read also Luke 10:25-37

You would think it was complicated. Jesus commands us to show mercy to those who have suffered misfortune. “Do likewise” is not tricky or complex.

Still, too many who call themselves Christians, refuse to follow a straightforward instruction from our Lord and Savior. The unhoused are forced to make their homes in the streets. Refugees are refused protection or due process. Millions suffer hunger and thirst across the world, and right here at home.

Facing a violent street gang is not the only way to “fall among thieves”. An unjust or merciless eviction inflicts a world of loss and suffering. Ask a victim of flood or fire if they feel beaten and robbed.

Jesus wants you to spend your time, talent and treasure helping your neighbor. Take your plenty and bind up someone else’s wounds. Spend your time to save the life of a helpless victim. Use your influence and reputation to benefit those who have fallen in hurt and harm.

Go and do likewise” is not hard to understand. Your neighbors are waiting. You are not still sitting on your couch are you?

Think: Am I following Jesus’ commandment to minister to others?

Pray: “Lord, help me to love You enough to minister in Your Name.”

Copyright © January 2022, Kirk Hunt

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