Itching Ears

Itching Ears By Kirk Hunt

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;   and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 NKJV

If you are like me, you hate to be wrong.  Prayerfully, you are also like me, and you sincerely desire the discomfort of real truth over the illusion of fables or myths.   The lust for lies over truth is called “itching ears” by the Apostle Paul.

Human beings prefer to glide from win to win, with nary an uncomfortable factoid to be seen or felt.  God’s people, followers of Jesus Christ, are constantly being battered by inconvenient and even distasteful things like facts, data and Real Truth™.  Last I checked, all of God’s people are also human beings, therefore you may be vulnerable to itching ears.

The unredeemed may be misled.  After all, they do not have God’s power or the Holy Spirit to guide them toward truth or away from error.  God’s people do not have that excuse. 

God gives wisdom to those who ask it of Him.  You do ask for wisdom, do you not?  In order to ask for Godly wisdom, you must first turn your own desires toward the things of God. 

What do you allow yourself to want?  Do you sincerely seek God’s truth or justification for your lustful urges?  Are your ears itching?

Think:       I should direct my desires to God’s truth, no matter how my ears itch for something else.

Pray:         “Lord, give me Your wisdom and truth, no matter what.”


Copyright © April 2018, Kirk Hunt

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