A Fresh View


A Fresh View By Kirk Hunt


In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.


Isaiah 6:1 NKJV


King Uzziah had a long, eventful and influential reign. It is not unreasonable that even a devout and zealous young man might have his view of God influenced, or muddled, by a great leader. Isaiah still needed to see God directly and clearly. However he came to his vision, Isaiah experienced God in a fresh and direct way.


The Temple, a glorious edifice if ever there was one, was overwhelmed by something greater. God’s house, mere stone and timber, could not compare to the glory that flooded in. The holiest place on earth was suddenly re-sanctified by God’s presence.


Then, as now, no human leader is a worthy or adequate substitute for a direct relationship with God. Your experience of God needs to be direct and vital. No intermediary however anointed, or in tune with God, can have a relationship for you.


Did Isaiah have his vision before or after beginning his office as Prophet? Biblical scholars continue to debate the timing of Isaiah’s vision. First, or later, Isaiah saw God for himself. After seeing God for himself, neither Isaiah, nor his ministry, were ever the same.


Are you a seasoned saint, or just starting your walk with God? Seek a fresh view of God. See Him again, as if for the first time. You, and your ministry, will never be the same.


Think:            I need a fresh and direct relationship with God.


Pray:               “Lord, help me to see and know You for myself.”



Copyright © July 2014, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.