Cast Your Bread

Cast Your Bread by Kirk Hunt

Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.
Give a serving to seven, and also to eight,
For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.

Ecclesiastes 11:1 NKJV

Too often we worry too much about ourselves.  We are God’s people.  We are the sheep of His hand.  If we trust God, should we also worry or hoard His blessings?  Go ahead and cast your bread on the waters of circumstance.

I get it.  For a season, I fretted about something I had to give.  I give in faith and amazingly enough, I have never run out.  God taught me to give and trust Him to give again.  The people I served and blessed with my gift?  A bonus, over and above the approval of my God.

God commands our open, giving hands, and promises our hands will gather again.  And give again.  The advantage of giving per God’s Word is that He always provides more for us to give.  It can get to the point where we give out before His provision does.

First, we must act in faith, and purpose.  Then we must work in patient expectation.  Finally, we receive again.  God promised we will find more provision in the days to come, if we first give to others. 

God has already given to you.  Will you give to others?  Your obedience will please Him and bless you.

Think:      God promises that if I give, I will also receive.  Do I really trust God?

Pray:         “Lord, help me to freely give per Your commands.”


Copyright © July 2019, Kirk Hunt

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