Walk on and see.

See The Goodness

See The Goodness By Kirk Hunt

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.

Psalms 27:13 NKJV


The road stretches out before me, narrow and barren.  For a moment I consider not continuing.  It is then that I remember His many promises, breathed in my soul by the Holy Spirit and confirmed in Scripture.  I will walk on and see the goodness.

Even King David could not settle all of his problems and issues with swords or proclamations.  He had to work our his own salvation with fear and trembling.  Just like you and I.  There were days he had to wait to see God’s goodness, in faith and belief.

It is not always easy; doing right, the right way.  Laboring and staying faithful for promises you see only faith.  Still, now is not the time to lose heart or hope. 

Sometimes, as now, there are storms and difficulties.  His promises remain certain.  There will be better, even in the turbulence.  His joy is in you, not in the circumstances.

Do not let anyone, even yourself, tell you that you lack faith or courage.  Faith does not ignore the difficulties.  Courage does not lessen the blows. 

Your advantage is that you know it will be worth it.  God’s goodness will be there and then, and eventually it will be here and now.  Keep walking the long narrow road to God.  Along the way you will find yourself living in the land of God’s goodness.

Think:       No matter what I see now, I will live to see God’s goodness in the future.

Pray:         “Lord, help me to have faith in Your promises, even in storms.”


Copyright © March 2018, Kirk Hunt

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