He Restores You


He Restores You By Kirk Hunt


So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,

The crawling locust,

The consuming locust,

And the chewing locust,

My great army which I sent among you.


Joel 2:25 NKJV


You insisted on following your own lead. The consequences of your decisions, spiritually and naturally, seem more than you can bear. Desperately, you look for a way to restore what was lost.


The people of ancient Israel had invited God out of their lives. When the plague of locusts came, the people faced the onslaught without God’s provision or protection. The insect army devastated the land, and battered the people.


Repentance is the first step to restoration. The prophet Joel called on Israel to “tear your hearts, not your garments,” as a sign of grief and regret. As always, when we turn to God with sincere hearts, He listens.


God promised to make up the “eaten years” to His repentant people. There would be full barns, and hearts, if the people would return to God. God promised to pour out His Mercy and Grace, in place of His Justice and Judgment.


There will be hard work. First, you will labor at the altar when you return to Him. Than you will work at your day-to-day labors, under God’s Blessing. Working in His Plan is always better than the alternative.


The poor decisions of yesterday need not be the end of your story. You can return to God today. He promises a tomorrow of blessing and provision for hearts that seek Him in true repentance.


Think:            God loves me and will provide if I repent.


Pray:               “Lord, forgive me. Restore me in Your Grace.”



Copyright © September 2014, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.