We love him, because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19 KJV
On the Cross, Jesus gave the final atonement for sin. His sacrifice tore the Veil of Separation. Jesus repaired the rift that separated sinful man from Holy God.
What motivated all of this sacrifice and transformation? Love. We could not go to God, so He came to us. It is that simple. It is that easy.
His love is complete. His love is pure. His love is perfect.
No matter where you are today. No matter what happened yesterday. No matter what comes tomorrow.
God loves you. Completely. Purely. Perfectly.
Come close to Him. Feel the fond peace of His heart. Rest in the tender safety of His arms.
You can not earn His love, but He gives it all the same. You can never deserve His love, but He delights in you anyway. All you need to do is respond.
Your love might be incomplete. Your love may be impure. Your love could be imperfect.
He knows how you are. Still, He loves you. His arms are stretched out to the worst of sinners. His arms and heart are open even to you. It is that simple. It is that easy.
God loves you. Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Just love Him back.
Think : God loves me.
Pray: “Lord, I accept Your love for me.”
Copyright © August 2010, Kirk Hunt