Hear The Conclusion

Hear The Conclusion by Kirk Hunt

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
            Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.

For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NKJV

The conclusion of the affairs of men and women is in the judgment and declarations of God. Our God, omniscient and omnipotent, sees and measures what we do. You will stand before His Throne and give account for all of your life, seen or hidden.

If you live righteously and build His kingdom, He sees. If you live in disobedience and rebellion, He sees. And His voice will be the conclusion of the matter.

Do not fret that the wicked seem to escape judgment. Do not worry that the righteous go unrewarded. God sees everyone’s secrets and hidden things. His justice will not be denied.

For a righteous man or woman, these verses are a comforting promise. The work no one recognized is seen and will be rewarded by Father-God. The secret sacrifices will be rewarded by God Himself, sooner than you think.

Alone before God’s throne, everything will be revealed and you will give account. Then He will speak and conclude the matter. For men and women who live according to the Bible and God’s calling, His judgment and justice will be a blessing.

Think: I will hear God’s conclusion about my life and work.

Pray: “Father-God, help me to live so I hear Your good conclusion of my life.”

Copyright © July 2022, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

Give And Get Water

Give And Get Water by Kirk Hunt

The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself.

Proverbs 11:25 NKJV

Sometimes I fret. I give and do for God’s Kingdom and all I seem to get in return is tired. That is exactly the time to keep doing Kingdom work. Those who water for God will be watered by God.

Out of obedience, I should work like a mule for God’s Kingdom. And be thankful for the privilege. God understands my human frailties. Knowing how weak and fragile a servant I am, God has laced Scriptures with promises, like 2 Corinthians 9:6 and Galatians 6:7.

He loves us too much to exploit us. We take up so much room in His heart that He will not send us away empty. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He has reserved a meal (or two) for you.

There will be difficulty, and delay, and even denial in your work. The story has not ended until you receive what God has promised you. And it will be glorious, and more than you bargained for.

Do not fret about when, or where, or what you will receive. God has the timing and the format down. Do your work of watering. He will do His work of watering you.

Think: I cannot work and serve in God’s Kingdom without being blessed by God.

Pray: “Father-God, help me trust Your love and promises.”

Copyright © July 2022, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

To Deceive, If Possible

To Deceive, If Possible by Kirk Hunt

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.

Matthew 24:24-25 NKJV

Jesus Christ, Himself, warned us that false messiahs and false prophets would deceive people. Men or women, out of greed, or delusion, or ego, would lead too many into error and sin. Reveal God’s truth by comparing everything you see and hear to the Bible.

Will some people lie to you? Yes, they will. Can you believe the wrong thing for a time? Yes, you can. You have been warned.

Seek God’s truth by studying God’s Word. Compare the words of every teacher and leader you see or hear to Bible text. When in doubt or conflict, believe the Bible.

False prophets and false messiahs always want you to believe something in conflict with the Bible. You cannot trust even their miracles. Even sincere men and women can be in error. You can always trust God’s Word.

Deception will come, but you do not have to be deceived. The simple believe every word, but the prudent considers well his steps.” (Proverbs 14:15, NKJV) The stakes are high. Take the time to make sure you are following the Bible.

Think: Weigh and measure all you hear and see against the Bible.

Pray: “Father-God, help me measure everything by Your Word.”

Copyright © July 2022, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

Stick To The Calling

Stick To The Calling by Kirk Hunt

And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there for battle, and the men of Israel had retreated. He arose and attacked the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand stuck to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to plunder.

2 Samuel 23:9-10 NKJV

Eleazar, the son of Dodo, fought against the Philistines so long and so hard that his hand cramped around the hilt of his sword. When it finally came time to let go of his weapon, he could not. I have experienced this same effect using construction tools. May your service in God’s Kingdom induce the same “stick to it” at least once in your life.

Alone, after all others retreated, Eleazar fought on. He fought with courage greater than his fear. His determination was so fierce that his hand froze around his weapon. He fought to the end because he could not let the enemy win or leave his calling in God.

Here and now, under the grace and truth of Jesus Christ, we fight for God’s Kingdom. In this era we serve and minister rather than swing swords. Still, our level of effort can all too easily match Eleazar’s exertions on that nameless battlefield.

Make no mistake: God brings the victory. A mighty man or woman of God is willing to be His instrument. Let God use you to achieve the impossible.

Think: Mighty are the men and women who stick to it in service to Him.

Pray: “Father-God, help me to stick to my calling.”

Copyright © July 2022, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.