Last Man Standing


“Last Man Standing” by Kirk Hunt

And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory.

2 Samuel 23:11-12 KJV

Shammah is named in Scripture as one of David’s three mighty men. Frankly, the accomplishments of Adino (v. 8 ) and Eleazar (v. 9) seem more impressive on the first reading. Still, of the three, Shammah holds my heart and mind.

While everyone else was running in fear, Shammah stood in courage. Shammah stood and delivered alone and outnumbered. Most of all, he made his great defense in a field of lentils.

Christian men and women too often make light of their own lives and labors for the Kingdom. What we do for God is important. Even if it all were doing is defending a field of beans.

Why was that specific patch of lentils important? Scripture doesn’t say. All we know is that Shammah did what others would not even try. All we are told is that God used Shammah to create a great victory.

God has a great purpose and plan for you. If God asked you to do it, it must be important. Bring enough lentils with you to make dinner.

Think: Am I prepared to be the last man or woman standing for God?

Pray: “Lord, Help me do Your Will, no matter how small it seems to me..”

Copyright © December 2009, Kirk Hunt

A Love Story


“A Love Story” by Kirk Hunt

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

1 John 4:10 KJV

Scripture can (easily) be seen as an epic love story. The suitor is God Himself. From the beginning, He has sought to win the hearts of His intended.

We are His intended. Any man or woman who lives on this side of Glory is the target of God’s unending love and desire. To prove Himself, Jesus came and made it possible for us to receive eternal life.

To give us forever, He surrendered His own Glory. Perfection became a helpless baby. The manger is just as much a symbol of sacrifice and love as the Cross. You are at the center of a story of powerful devotion and relentless desire. God has spared no effort to deliver His love to you. How will you respond?

See the manger for what it is: A symbol of God’s unquenchable desire and affection for you. He longs for a loving relationship with you. Still, He is a true lover. He desires that we love Him in a sincere and true exchange of affections.

His Arms are open wide. He has paid every price for your freedom and liberty. What do you say? How will this love story end for you?

Think: How do I respond to God’s love for me?

Pray: “Lord, I thank You for Your love for me.”

Copyright © December 2009, Kirk Hunt