What Is Inside Of You?

What Is Inside Of You? By Kirk Hunt

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.   Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

Matthew 23:27–28 NKJV

Jesus’ criticism of the Pharisees is sharp and pointed.  Our Savior called the elite religious leaders hypocrites.  Their sanctimonious words and ceremonies were a thin veneer over their sinful actions, thoughts and intentions.  All men and women are containers of something.  What is inside of you?

In those days, a tomb would be beautiful from a distance, but up close it would reek of death and decay.  Un-embalmed bodies would be placed on a shelf inside, then left to decomposition to run its course.  A carefully crafted and expensively finished sepulcher would be a shell around corruption and putrefaction.

In Matthew 23, Jesus is not criticizing the occasional harsh word or stray thought.  Instead, He rebukes sanctimonious words that end in naked greed, lust and exploitation.  Jesus does not value high-form ceremonies that are followed by base-form lives, devoid of any attempt at true holiness.

In these days, men and women speak high-sounding words, but their actions too often reveal gutter-level intentions.  “What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.”  Disciples of Jesus Christ, most of all, must make sure their actions match what they preach.

Think:       Inside of my heart, mind and soul am I full of God’s Word, or something else?

Pray:         “Lord, help me to be full of Your Word, Your grace and Your truth.”


Copyright © October 2018, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press.  You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

Observe And Do

Observe And Do By Kirk Hunt

Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying:  “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.  Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.”

Matthew 23:1–3 NKJV

Jesus observed and commented.  He clearly and plainly told the majority of folk that their religious scholars and leaders preached one thing but clearly practiced a different thing.  How is it possible to mess up, “Observe and do the right things”?

Was Jesus critiquing pagan Romans?  No.  Was Jesus rebuking Roman collaborators or prostitutes?  No.  Jesus criticized the very people who should have known better than anyone else.

The Pharisees preached righteousness and adherence to the law, but their motivations however were corrupt or self-serving (Matthew 23:5)Of course, these high minded religious experts were not above exploiting the poor or vulnerable in the name of profit (Matthew 23:14).  In general, the Pharisees did the easy part of looking sanctimonious, but did not do the hard part of living righteously (Matthew 23:23).

Living righteously before God and man is easier said than done.  That is why the Holy Spirit helps those men and women who seek Him.  Religious law can only help you realize how sinful you are.  It takes God’s spirit and grace to fulfill the law by living a sanctified life.

Take a good look at how you actually live.  Does your life match what you preach (or say you believe)?  Seek the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you live out what you say.

Think:       Observe yourself.  Are you really doing the hard work of living righteously?

Pray:         “Lord, help me to live righteously, no matter the difficulty.”


Copyright © October 2018, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press.  You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

The Power Of Consistency


The Power Of Consistency By Kirk Hunt


He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.

Luke 16:10 NKJV


The card said simply:  “Thank you for your 171 donations!”  It has taken 5 years of consistency to deliver that many units (pints) of platelets.  I am humbled that God would grace me to do so much, and for so long, for His Kingdom.


I have been able to share my good health 171 times.  171 times I have been able to minister, not just to a seriously ill patient, but to all of the kin and kith looking on.  171 times I have answered God’s calling on my life for a man, woman or child (except one) I will never meet.


What should you be doing consistently?  How many men, women or children will be blessed if you press toward the goal?  You have a calling that will build the Kingdom of God, here and now.  Have you answered your calling?


I could never give 21 gallons of blood products at one time.  I cannot give platelets as quickly and easily as other men and women.  Still, I do what I can.  And what I give is not trivial.  Especially to those who receive the gift that I pass on from God.


Follow your calling.  Faithfully pass on the gift that God has given you.  There is power in your consistency.


Think:                Consistency has more impact and blessing than I think or know. 


Pray:                   “Lord, help me to consistently live my life in You.”



Copyright © May 2016, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.

Despite Your Outcome


Despite Your Outcome By Kirk Hunt


Now it happened afterward that David’s heart troubled him because he had cut Saul’s robe. And he said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord.”

1 Samuel 24:5–6 NKJV


David had gotten close enough to Saul to have taken his life. The cloth cut from Saul’s robe proved the operation was a success. The cut in David’s heart proved the outcome was a failure.


Saul unrighteously sought David’s life. The common wisdom is that a new king would rescind the execution warrant against David. David’s action represented an assault against a leader appointed by God. David’s own conscience convicted (not condemned) him about this.


Sometimes, God’s people produce the wrong outcomes. Provoked, we can respond the wrong way. Threatened, we may take matters into our hands, rather than wait on God. Worst of all, simple willfulness leads us down the wrong path.


When a skilled soldier has a “silver platter” opportunity to kill a known enemy, you can assume the outcome. When a servant of God has an opportunity to serve a known enemy, you should assume that outcome also. The difference is that God’s people should only deal in blessing and service.


David confessed, and made right, his slight against the king. Perhaps you need to confess and redeem a poor outcome in your life. Prayerfully, the Holy Spirit will convict (not condemn) you until you do.


Think:                As a servant of God, I must make sure my outcomes are correct.


Pray:                   “Lord, help me live, speak and act per Your heart.”



Copyright © March 2016, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.

Consider Your Output


Consider Your Output By Kirk Hunt


Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”

John 20:25 NKJV


Often, God’s people read this verse and see “goodness out, goodness in.” While that is good, we need to also consider the other viewpoint: “garbage out, garbage in.” The output of our hearts, minds and voices always returns to us. Good or bad.


Too often, the good our hands do is drowned out by the bad our voices say. We heap help and support on the attractive and safe, but heap judgment and scorn on the unlovely and threatening. Sometimes regardless of the Kingdom building that could be done with more loving and accepting actions and voices.


We reach out to those who (say they) conform to our viewpoint and imagery. We turn away from those who do not rush to follow our formats and patterns. At the expense of those who need the Gospel, we cater to those who cynically play on our sympathies.


Jesus used a whip to drive out the moneychangers. He preached special rebukes against the hypocritical Priests and Pharisees. The moneychangers, priests and Pharisees were the righteous looking people. The Roman Centurion, with his foreign looks and uniform, was proclaimed by Him as an example of real faithfulness.


Are you receiving much good and blessing? Good. Are you receiving some rebuke and difficulty? Perhaps you not as consistent as you thought you were.


Think:                My acts and my words must be consistent with each other.


Pray:                   “Lord, help me live, say and act per Your Word and Way.”



Copyright © March 2016, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.

Walk The Old Paths


Walk The Old Paths” By Kirk Hunt

Thus says the Lord:
“Stand in the ways and see,
And ask for the old paths, where the good way is,
And walk in it;

Jeremiah 6:16a NKJV


There is a good chance you did burpees as a youngster. If you are like me, you hated them back then. If you are like me, you hate them still. Regardless, here I am, at my age, doing burpees. The old paths are very often the best route to a prized destination.


Hate them if you must, but burpees improve strength, flexibility, endurance and aerobic conditioning. In pursuit of physical fitness, burpees are ridiculously inexpensive but intensely demanding. Still, even professional athletes shy away from the exercise. Even the best of us do not always want to do what is hard. Regardless of the benefits.


Every worthwhile achievement demands something from its seekers. A relationship with Father-God is no different. Real spiritual growth demands real spiritual disciplines.


Regular prayer. Consistent Bible study. Systematic fasting. They are the price of spiritual strength and intimacy with God. They are the old path, and the only path, to a proper relationship with your heavenly Father.


Start today. Commit to being consistent and diligent. It may not seem like much to you, but stay the course. Sooner than you think, you will realize that you are on the shortest, best path to a relationship with God. And He is the most prized destination.


Think:                The only good route to God is through the old paths of spiritual disciplines.


Pray:                   “Lord, I will follow the old paths to You.”



Copyright © January 2016, Kirk Hunt

This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.

You Are The Man

“You Are The Man” by Kirk Hunt

And David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the LORD liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die: And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man.

2 Samuel 12: 5, 7a (KJV)
(Please read 2 Samuel 12:1-14)

The parable of the greedy rich man incited righteous indignation and sanctimonious anger in David. The king wanted to seek justice against such a gross and merciless sinner. At that moment, Nathan sprung God’s ambush on David.

At this point in his life, David had written a great number of Psalms. He clearly knew and understood Scripture. David could even boast of a deep and intimate relationship with God.

Could David think God would not notice his adultery and the cover-up murder? Did David think his history gave him a license to sin? Perhaps David expected being king exempted him from accountability?

Nathan boldly confronted the king on his throne and in front of the court. The parable served to strip away the illusions that shielded David from his sins. Caught in his own error, David pronounced the very sentence he ought to suffer.

No matter what you have been through, you are not excused. No matter how high you have risen, you remain accountable. “Don’t be that guy (or gal).”

Think: No matter where I have been, or where I am, I remain accountable.

Pray: “Father-God, help me to turn from sin; right here, right now.”

Copyright © March 2011, Kirk Hunt

Philemon’s Dilemma


For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother.

Philemon 1:7 (KJV)

I expect that Philemon saw Onesimus before reading Paul’s letter. Whether measured in seconds, or hours, it would seem like an eternity to the men in the room. Would Philemon react against an escaped slave, or respond to a Christian brother?

The Epistle put Philemon on the horns of a dilemma. Would he live up to his (Roman) world-wide reputation as a generous, compassionate Christian? Could Philemon still do the right thing, facing the man who robbed him twice?

Circumstances can, and do, demand proof of our Christianity. Do you truly forgive? Are you authentic about reconciliation with a brother or sister?

Intellectual exercises in forgiveness are easy. Concrete episodes of reconciliation are rarely neat and simple. The facts, figures and emotions flood us in excruciating detail.

“Are you or aren’t you?” “Do you walk the talk?” “Do you or don’t you?” The questions may be undiplomatic, but the answers are critical.

Sooner, or later, someone or something will test your character as a Christian. Has it been all talk, or are you really a man or woman of God? What’s your answer to your personal Onesimus?

Think: Choose to be the Christian you talk about.

Pray: “Father-God, help me respond Your way, no matter the circumstances.”

Copyright © December 2010, Kirk Hunt



“Workout” by Kirk Hunt

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Philippians 2:12 (KJV)

I am a athlete. I became an athlete when I committed to pursue athletics. As I continue to pursue athletics, I remain an athlete.

My sore, tired muscles argue with me. They tell me that I’m not an athlete at all. An athlete would be able to do more, with greater ease.

My muscles lie. I may not be an Olympian, but I am an athlete. Every sweaty workout takes me closer to my goals.

I am a Christian. I became a Christian when I committed myself to Christ. As I continue to pursue Christ, I remain a Christian.

My faults and errors argue with me. They tell me I’m not a Christian at all. A Christian would be better and do better, with greater ease.

My faults and errors lie. I may not be perfected, but I am a Christian. Every spiritual exercise takes me closer to Christ.

Pursue Christ. Whatever takes. Stay at it. No matter what happens. Every workout, especially the sweaty ones, makes you more like Him.

Think: Every day, every spiritual exercise takes me closer to my goal: Christ.

Pray: “Lord, help me to work out my salvation in You.”

Copyright © October 2010, Kirk Hunt

Soul Building


“Soul Building” by Kirk Hunt

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

James 1:3-4 KJV

I’m working out now. I’m eating better lately. I want to undo years of lounging and overindulgence with a few hours of sweat and reducing one meal a week. It’s not working out that way.

It’s going to take weeks and months of consistency to get to develop the fitness I want. Too much, too fast will only hurt, not help. I am putting fewer calories on my plate and burning more calories on the treadmill. There’s no “secret” formula, just consistency and persistence.

The things of God work the same way. Anyone can develop a intimate, rich relationship with Father-God. There’s no “mystery” formula, just consistency and persistence. I get up when I’d rather sleep longer.

Everyday, make sure you spend time in His presence. Don’t let a day go by without reading and studying Scripture. Never miss an opportunity to exercise your faith.

The word “trying” in Scripture can often be interpreted “exercising.” Consistent, persistent exercise will build muscles naturally and spiritually. All you have to do is get off the literal, or figurative, couch.

You can become perfect and complete in God. Just do what you need to do. Every day.

Think: Consistency and patience in prayer and Bible study will build my soul

Pray: “Lord, help me to exercise myself in You.”

Copyright © January 2010, Kirk Hunt