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“In The Morning” By Kirk Hunt
But I will sing of Your power;
Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning;
For You have been my defense
And refuge in the day of my trouble.
Psalm 59:16 NKJV
It is always better in the morning. You have survived the darkness of your troubles. The light of day is almost always a comfort after a difficult night.
Perhaps last year was not your best. Still, here you are, in a new year. God has defended you and protected you from your troubles.
No matter what happened in the night of the last year, you are here now. He has blessed you with new opportunities and possibilities. Be grateful and thankful.
Get yourself together for the new year. Assess where you are. Make plans based on your currently reality. Work your plans like a champion.
Scripture does not promise you an easy ride. Scripture does promise you God’s goodness, power and grace. Sing your song in gratitude and praise.
Even if you do not feel like it this minute, sing. God’s goodness brought you here. God’s power keeps you here. God’s grace will carry you there.
You have arrived in a new year. God continues to look out for you and watch over you. Bless Him for giving a new morning and a new year.
Think: This is the morning of a new year. How will I use it for God?
Pray: “Lord, thank You for Your continuing care and protection in a new year.”
Copyright © January 2015, Kirk Hunt
This devotional is a ministry of https://devotionals.cadremenpress.com.